Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Should same sex marriage be ok?

No I have a lot of friends that are not straight as in they are gay-bisexual, and a lot of their relationships are built on a lie. Like they were only together to be different all most like it’s a trend, But then I have friends that are totally opposite I don’t condemn my friends for their choice of relationship but I stand more behind religion and the constitution that man and wife are to be what it means for marriage so in the religious point I feel it is a moral sin to marry the same sex I feel god gave man parts and he gave women parts for each other not for any other purpose than to recreate life and if you marry the same sex you are not able to recreate. He also gave humans the parts and the knowledge to please a partner of opposite sex. And if the beginning God created Adam and Eve, not Eve and Eve or Adam and Adam. And back to the moral of things the constitution how far will people take the laws of marriage will be become possible someday to marry your pets or small child or a close relatives where will the line be drawn? Who’s to say when it has gone far enough and who sets the line for how far it can go? As of now the divorce rates are so high how much higher will the numbers go if we allow same sex marriages? We also have a lot of problems to work on in the marriages of the modern times so why add more problems to this. Is it right yes and no it may not be as far as thoughts that are truly in love that if you are with then for more than 7 years then the same benefits such as entitlement to insurance and life insurance (ect) like considered as married only not on paper.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is the concept of marriage outdated?

Yes definitely it has come a long way from what it used to be. Before it used to me more of a comment it was a lifelong comment there was no divorce, divorce was thought of as a sin. The few divorces that did happen were not talk about and if it came to a re-marriage it was due to the loss of your spouse. Marriage was a sacred thing back in later years.
Now in today’s society marriage is known for divorce many people get married two to three times, sometime even more than that. I hear so many people say if it don’t work we will just get a divorce and to me that is not even a start of a marriage that is going to last.
Many people also start a marriage with a prenuptial agreement which I feel is a definite lack of trust and if you have no trust you have no marriage. Trust is the most important thing in a marriage.
I feel back in time people used to love each other and it was all or nothing and today its marriages of convince and there is not a lot of love involved. So this is why I feel that the concept of marriage is outdated.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How has advertising changed in the last twenty years?

Advertising has changed in many ways. Advertising has gone from using it mostly on T.V and magazines and mail ad’s and builds boards. Witch people still use them that way but now people have computer that people can do a lot of the same advertising as T.V’s and other things. People have gotten creative with advertising due to many people using the internet. On computer there is a lot of advertising that people use. Whenever people go to a new page there is something being advertising on that page, which is being showed. Computer users also can get junk mail from business advertising on the computer but not so much as in our mail box or P.O box anymore. We can go shopping on line and find anything that your hearts desirer and then also people can have it here most of the time within 2 or 3 days. They have also used money to advertise T.V shows by using products in the shows. So advertising has come a long way in twenty years. People have been using advertising a lot more than we use to do. People have also; have many products to choose from so we can compare products before we buy them.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What intrinsic meanings do you attach to logos and brand names?

It draws to the consumers’ attention to buy that product. Depending on the logo that is represented will depend on witch type of consumers would like to purchase the product that it is trying to sell. For example Osh gosh, Baby gap, Carters, LEI, and ex.. Would be more prone to draw me in to buy because, of the durability of the product for being known to be long lasting. Colors do not fade jeans do not rip they have money back guarantee. Also logos are important to know the difference between brand name clothing and off-brand clothing which helps me decide which clothing to buy for myself and my children. The logos also represent strong feedback by the amount of purchases made by consumers. If you purchase brand name clothing you will pay more out of pocket but, you will have this product long enough for it to have paid for itself. So if you by off-brand products they will not last as long and you will end up spending more in the long run.